Diabetes and the sweet potato

Ever since I was diagnosed with type-2 diabetes in March I have been carefully watching what I eat. I am not obsessed with counting calories or carbs (yet) but I do keep an eye on my sugar and fat intake. I have also been researching a lot about what I should and shouldn’t eat. (Surprisingly there is not a lot that I cannot eat, though some things must only be consumed in small diabetic doses.)

The softer, orange-fleshed variety of sweet po...
The softer, orange-fleshed variety of sweet potato, commonly referred to as a yam in the United States (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Surprisingly, one food that comes highly recommended for a diabetic is the sweet potato… Some people even claim that it can increase the insulin in your body and therefore decreasing blood glucose. So I dutifully popped down to my local shop, and purchased some sweet potatoes. I turned the first couple into sweet potato wedges with just a little thyme, which were quite tasty. Now however, I have wondered what else I can do with the humble sweet potato, so I thought I would ask you, my humble readers to bless me with your knowledge;
What do you suggest I do with a sweet potato?

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